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Research Links - Europe

Belgium-Roots Project


Belgium-Roots was created in July 1995 to assist descendants of Belgian emigrants/immigrants living abroad in tracing their Belgian roots and exploring their Belgian heritage. Participation is free of any charge.

Benelux Home Page


This is Family Explorer Benelux, a home of Genealogy and Family History in the Benelux. It is all in English language and the place to start your search of the Benelux countries. It was started in the University of Antwerp by John Berteloot. It will answer questions, provide surname searches and more. It looks good.

Federation of Eastern European Family History Societies


If you have ancestors from Eastern Europe, this fantastic website is a must to see. The FEEFHS has had an outstanding presence on the internet for more than ten years. Their Map Room alone is worth the visit, and their layout makes it easier than ever to find the many resources available, by country, region, or religion/ethinicity. Check it out.

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