Video | Order the DVD | About our videos | NHS Overview
The spoken word, especially when converted to print or a web page, even if accompanied by photos, isn't adequate to provide a quick overview of the Society's activities and Museum operations.

Over several months in 2004 volunteers addressed this challenge by attending various activities and events, videotaping what they saw. They then edited their recordings and narrated the summary. The result is a short, snappy video overview of our meetings, archives, exhibits, displays, genealogy fair, antique clinic, children's program, and more, that highlight our diverse activities and specific interests.

The resulting video is a great introduction to our group and what we are all about. While it may appeal most to those who live at a distance and have never visited our facilities, it may also appeal to those whose perspective has been confined to a specific field of interest such as genealogy, antiques, or local history.

As interesting as it is, NHS Overview just skips across the surface. It does not include an indepth look at our archives, a walking tour of the Museum, the joy of discovering the value of an attic treasure identified at our antique clinic, or explain Norfolk's century old connection to the Arts of China. Such videos are still waiting for us to get to them.

Recorded and edited in digital format, NHS Overview is freely available online to all on our web site -- and is available for sale in highest quality format on DVD for just a few dollars.

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