Video | Order the DVD | About our videos | Norfolklore 2004
Every fall for the past 30 years we have sponsored Norfolklore, Ontario's oldest and largest annual genealogy faire. Genealogists and their suppliers meet in Simcoe for a fun day of research and data exchange.

Over the years as the audience for this one-day event has grown, Norfolklore has been revamped, changing its program, location and layout. Norfolklore 2004 was held in two locations: the Eva Brook Donly Museum in downtown Simcoe, and the Junior Farmers' Building at the Norfolk County Fairgrounds, at the south end of Simcoe.

Realizing we would want to include Norfolklore footage in our 
NHS Overview
video we wandered through the Junior Farmers' Building a couple of time, videotaping what we saw. Time restrictions meant much of that footage ended up on the digital cutting room floor. We resurected some it for this video.

There is no narration, just edited raw footage of the goings on for those who wish we had included more shots of Norfolklore in our NHS Overview video. The Norfolklore 2004 video is included as bonus footage on the NHS Overview DVD.

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