Historical Highlights of Norfolk [Contents]
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Norfolk  Historical  Society
Historical Highlights of Norfolk

This is a series of stories about remarkable people and events from the history of the former Norfolk County. The county was merged with Haldimand County in 1974 to form The Regional Municipality of Haldimand-Norfolk. Soon the Region will be divided into two parts with the western area becoming the new municipality of the Town of Norfolk. The late Bruce M. Pearce, Publisher of The Simcoe Reformer complied these stories in his 1967 volume, Historical Highlights of Norfolk County. Always a man with a fine eye and ear for a good story, he has assembled some good ones in this book. Discover what an interesting and  rich history, we possess in glorious old Norfolk. 


Abigal Becker Header


The Heroine of Long Point

In November of 1854 with a nasty gale blowing and bitter cold, this young women rescued 8 sailors from death along the treacherous shore of Long Point. In her lifetime, she rescued 10 people from drowning, raised a family of 17 and yet lost her husband and a son to drowning in the waters of Lake Erie.


Step Daughter's Account of the Rescue

Abigail Becker [External Link]

Amanda Jones' Poem, Heroine of '54


Alligator Header


Alligators In Southern Ontario!


Believe or not! There were once Alligators in southern Ontario. And one is back on the River Lynn where it began it's life.



Alligator Gallery


Place Names Header


Place Names of Norfolk County. 


Ever wonder where the enchanting names of Hemlock, Lake Hunger, Brandy Creek, Silver Hill and Jericho came from. Visit the Place Names of Norfolk County to find how the communities of glorious old Norfolk got their names.




Ryerson Header


The Father of Education in Ontario. 

"I have sought ... to ask myself what I could do most for my country's welfare, and how I could
contribute most to found a system of education that would give to Canada when I should be no
more, a career of a splendour which will make its people proud of it."



John Graves Simcoe Header



John Graves Simcoe-The First Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada

They named a county, a town, and numerous streets in the Province of Ontario after him. And in the Town of Simcoe and the City of Toronto, they even renamed the annual Civic Holiday in August, Simcoe Day. All in tribute to this remarkable Englishman, the first Lieutenant-Governor of Simcoe.    



For More Information on This Remarkable Man [External Link]
norfolk genealogy

We hope you enjoy your visit to the Historic Highlights of Norfolk!

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Created 99 12 20, Modified