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In Memoriam

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In 2000 came word of two special bequests to the Society from two very special long-time members.

Dr. "Mac" Collins

Everyone has the warmest of memories of both Mac Collins and his wife Ruth, who always seemed inseparable despite their own individual accomplishments. Mac passed away in late 1999 at the age of 95. As well as a distinguished career in several fields in agricultural research, his warmth, enthusiasm and energy  was a great asset to the Museum.
A founding member of the NHS Genealogy Committee, he published From the Shamrock to the Maple, A Collins Family Story, 1775 - 1982, and single-handedly sold many dozens of advance sales for the Shirley Dosser memorial book on Nanticoke (1990). Mac was also active with Old Windham Church, local seniors' housing projects, the Norfolk Federation of Agriculture and the United Way. 

Robert Landon

When Bob Landon passed away in his late 80's in 2000, Simcoe and Norfolk County lost a renowned fount of knowledge for both local history and natural history. A supporter of the Historical Society for more than half a century, Bob was NHS president for 1968-1969 and a generous donor of Landon family heirlooms to the Museum. His memories of the historical lore of the community were legendary, as was his gift for warm, witty story-telling. Bob was one of our community's great volunteers, active with the Norfolk Field Naturalists, Simcoe Horticulture Society, Norfolk County Fair Board, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, and much more. He was recently honoured at Citizen of the Year for the Town of Simcoe -- an outstanding man who made a difference to his Town.