About Us | Membership | Directors | Strategic Plan

The following is a summary of the Norfolk Historical Society's Strategic Plan 2004. 
Copies of the full document are available at the Centre.

The Strategic Plan 2004 was accepted by the NHS Board of Directors as a working document on 8 Jan 2004.

The Treasurer will work with the Finance Committee to produce a development budget based on the key issues of the Strategic Plan.

The Board is committed to meeting these objectives. This will be a challenging task! We have a long way to go before our organization is operationally and financially sound. Many standards and procedures must be determined and adhered to in order to reach our goals. We welcome the support of all members in this endeavour to put NHS on its road to operating a respected and profitable resource centre and museum with current information technology to reach out around the globe.

Following is a synopsis of the major Issues and Directions of the Strategic Plan.

Issues and Directions

Does our organization operate is effectively and efficiently as it should?
No. We will examine closely our financial management and reporting structure with a view to better understanding the financial needs of the Society. This will be undertaken during the current year, with evaluation by 31 Dec 2004.

Could our image be improved in the eyes of the community we serve?
Yes. We will begin to enhance our image by regularly changing displays, developing an active role for the Mulkin's house, strongly promoting the Norfolk County Archives and by improving our efforts to help the community understand our museum. This will be an ongoing activity.

Do we clearly understand the NHS product?
No. We will work to clearly define our product. We will attempt to understand the complementary nature of the archives and the museum as we try to discover the nature of the needs we strive to satisfy.

Are we marketing effectively the resources of the archives and the museum?
No. Once we have clearly determined the needs we are striving to satisfy, then we will embark on a marketing plan to effectively target our audience.

Do we have a good fundraising plan in place?
No. We will begin to establish an annual fundraising goal supported by an annual plan, and a campaign as required to meet our financial needs.