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Genealogy | About Norfolk | How to | Transcriptions | Submissions 
The best advice I wasn't given: "Before doing anything, learn how. It makes the doing easier." How to is our advice corner. The newer you are to tracing your roots the more time you should spend here. Actually, we've intentionally kept these articles short, so reading them all will take just a few minutes.

Tips & Techniques Advice for Genealogy newcomers. Nothing Norfolk specific here. Tips on how to do great family histories.
Genealogy Software Genealogy by PC is simply easier. To PC or not, the debate rages on. Here's our argument in favor of technology.
Norfolk Resources Where to find Norfolk answers. Overviews of the Big 3 in Norfolk Genealogy. Where to look for answers.
Document your Sources You will be glad you did. Our best advise for those who want to do it right. Heed this advise or wish you did.