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Genealogy | About Norfolk | How to | Transcriptions | Submissions | Help
Many site visitors consider Genealogy the heart of this web site, their reason to return again and again. This is where we provide an ever-expanding collection of online resources that allow you to research your Norfolk roots from home. 
The Genealogy section of our web site provides five types of information:
About Norfolk Our introduction to Norfolk County. Maps. History. Place Names. Pioneer Genealogies. More to come. Of special interest to those who don't live here.
How-to Climbing your family tree, exploring your family history. How to get started. Tips and techniques on how to proceed. Genealogy 101.  Learning about your ancestors. Documenting your sources.
Transcriptions One of our most popular online resources: Birth, Marriage and Death records. Photos & Bios. Highlights from the historical record. First hand accounts of the pioneer settlers. County Directories. Voter's list. Where are they now? 
Submissions Queries and Resources provided by site visitors. Who else is climbing the same family tree? Who were Norfolk's Pioneers?
We can Help Proof, clues and leads from NHS Archives Reading Room Volunteers. Now you can access our Norfolk Archives without visiting.