Genealogy | Transcriptions | St. Paul's (1793-1906)
Preface | Intro | Pioneers | Division | Reunited | Celebrate | Notes | Index
The Celebration

St. Paul's Church celebrated the 113th year of its history as follows,

On Sabbath, Sunday 9th, Rev. Dr. Fletcher, of Hamilton, preached at both services, and the Lord's Supper was dispensed at the evening service by the pastor.

On Tuesday, September 11th, the Presbytery met in Simcoe, to transact business and to join in the festivities of the occasion.

In the evening a supper was given in the school room, and at 8 p.m., a public meeting was held in the auditorium, at which Mr. Innes presided, addresses were delivered by the Moderator (Mr. Ratcliffe) and other members of Presbytery and by the clergymen of the town, the substance of the foregoing historical sketch was given by Mr. Dey, a letter was read from the Venerable James Black, of Hamilton, reminiscent of Simcoe 50 years ago, and the choir assisted in making the memorable occasion one of delight.

W. F. Kydd (from home)

The Kirk Session. Back row, left to right: Frank Reid, Thos. Haddow, A. Ironside, H. Hoffmann. Front row, left to right: W. P. Innes, W. J. Dey, I. S. Rowat.

The Managers and Trustees: Back row, left to right: W. P. Innes, J. B. Jackson, A. Ironside, Geo. J. McKiee, L. C. Gibson, H. Hoffmann. Middle row, left to right: Frank Reid, A. M. Munro. First row, left to right: C. Campbell, A. McKnight, D. Bauslaugh, W. L. Innes, P. W. McGachie.
< Reunited

Notes >