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Thanks to our Partners in Year 2000 Projects

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Norfolk Historical Society celebrated the year 2000 with two major projects. Both have made vast difference to the appearance of the museum grounds and we want to thank those who assisted us.

Partners in the Millennium Project which provided new signs, lawn, shrubbery and walkways outside and the exciting UEL display and mural inside were the Canadian Millennium Program, the Town of Simcoe, the United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada, Grand River Branch, and the Royal Bank of Canada's Employee Volunteer Program.

In our Centennial Project, celebrating 100 years of the NHS, our partner was The Simcoe Foundation. They enabled us to procure the handsome, eye-catching fence, flagpoles, and spotlighting (coming in the Spring) to signs, museum and flags. This project also provided an underground watering system to the font lawn, flower and shrub beds.

We greatly appreciate the involvement of those groups and the support given to the NHS. Without their assistance none of this could have happened.

All our contractors were very cooperative and prompt with their work, one following the other. Special thanks to Kean Landscaping who were very generous with materials for the walkways and lawn when the estimates were short, allowing us to keep with our original budget.

Thanks go to member volunteers who were also involved in the work of clearing old shrubbery and planting new; planting the autumn display of chrysanthemums and covering the beds with bark chips.

We now have a much more visible presence on Norfolk Street and a superb UEL display describing the early pioneer arrivals to what became the Long Point Settlement.

February 4 marks the official opening of these two endeavour with VIP guests, speakers, and the unveiling of plaques to recognize partners.