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Our Partner: About The Simcoe Foundation

The Simcoe Foundation is a community trust which receives and manages capital, the interest from which is used to support a range of charitable activities to enhance the quality of life in the Simcoe area.

The Foundation was founded in 1986, establishing long-term support for the unique quality of life in the Simcoe area. Its board of nine directors is composed of volunteers from the community who serve three year terms. Administrative fees account for less than one percent of fund balance.

The Foundation is an agency serving in perpetuity to assist other groups in their diverse functions.

Most donors leave the decision as to investment and use of income to the Foundation's directors; however, a donor can restrict use to a specific purpose.

An independent grants committee meets regularly to consider all applications. Final decision on all applications is made by the board of the Foundation. Applications for grants may be made at any time.

To date The Simcoe Foundation has donated funds to: 
Alligator Tug Student Bursaries
Simcoe Lawn Bowling Simcoe Panorama
Alzheimer Society Norfolk County Sports Hall
Arcady Upper Deck Youth Centre
Big Brothers & Sisters Young Threatre Players
Canadian Open Singing Contest Eva Brook Donly Museum
H/N YM-YWCA Lynnwood Arts Centre
LACL Norfolk Musical Arts Festival
Norfolk Historical Society Simcoe Composite School

Donations, big or small, can be made periodically, as well as provided for in wills, or by designation of life insurance policies.

Donors are noted in our annual report. Donations are Canadian income tax deductible. The Foundation's charitable registration number is 119259794RR001.

In addition to the general fund, the Foundation also has specific funds which include:

W. B. & Christie Jackson Fund
which provides support to charitable activities within the Town of Simcoe
Century Fund/Marian McKiee Memorial Fund
which provides annual bursaries to SCS students pursuing post-secondary education
Gordon & Ruth Wallace Fund
which supports musical enrichment
John Black Memorial Fund
which supports amateur sports in the Town of Simcoe

The Simcoe Foundation
Post Office Box 999
Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 4B3
(519) 426-6655 -- Information Centre

The Simcoe Foundation gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation. With $100 million in annual funding from the province's charitable gaming initiative, the Trillium Foundation provides grants to eligible charitable and not-for-profit organizations in the arts, culture, sports, recreation, environment, and social service sectors.

To give away
money is an easy matter,
 and in any
man's power.
But to decide
to whom to
give it, and
for what purpose,
 and how,
 is neither in
every man's power
-- nor an
easy matter.
 Hence it is that
such excellence is rare, praiseworthy
and noble.