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Acquisitions Committee Report by Jim Cruise

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The collections of the Museum continue to be enriched by the donation of artifacts by members and friends.

The role of the Acquisitions Committee is to assist the Curator in decisions about which donations to accession, and to determine appropriate valuation for charitable donation receipts. Information about the provenance and history of the ownerships and uses of a particular item always increases its value to our Society and Museum.

Notable gifts received during the year 2000 include the following:

  • four Cantelon paintings entitled Port Ryerse Harbour, Springtime on the River, The Ironwood Tree, and The Wintering Site of the French Priests

  • a silver-plated presentation tray, military badges and WWII medals, and West & Peachey small brass identification tags, all from the estate of the late Col. Stalker

  • a child's rocking chair in old burgundy paint, in the Boston Rocker Windsor style, used by the late Lewis Sharp in Norfolk, and dating from the 1860s.

Four William Pope Sketches have been offered to the Museum. Applications for the appraisals by the Professional Art Dealers Association of Canada and the Canada Cultural Property department for charitable donations tax status are currently underway to help insure these invaluable items will be added to our collections

The Committee expresses its gratitude to both those who donate to the collections and those who bring their specialized expertise to our deliberations.
