Genealogy Computer Interest Group
A PAF User Group

Established in 1993, our Genealogy Computer Interest Group(GenCIG) was founded to assist and encourage genealogists interested in tracking their family tree by computer.
GenCIG is a registered PAF User Group.


GenCIG meets the third Wednesday of every month
(except December) at the Eva Brook Donly Museum,
109 Norfolk Street South, Simcoe, Ontario,
between 7-9 p.m. Guests are always welcome.


Norfolk Historical Society members: $5 per year.
Non-members per meeting admission: $5


Using Personal Ancestral File v 2.31
Desktop Publishing your family tree
Scanning Photographs for inclusion in your genealogy
Genealogy on the Internet: Web Sites of interest
Tips and Techniques: Getting the most out of PAF
Introduction to DOS (beginner level)
Introduction to Family Tree Maker
Introduction to Family Origins for Windows
Tour of the Norfolk Historical Society's Archives
Tips and Techniques for documenting sources
GEDCOM for beginners
   (moving data between genealogy programs)


Building a series of local genealogical databases
Maintaining a list of favorite Genealogy Web Sites
Helping novices get started in Genealogy using a PC
Building a library of genealogy software (shareware)
Building libraries of genealogy data, how-to videos
Collecting family tree databases for others to access
Sponsoring Saturday how-to seminars
Publishing periodic Genealogy by Computer Fact Sheets


Family Origins for Windows version 5.0
A Genealogy Software Review

Computing Genealogist Update
May 1997 Issue

Past Chair: Wm. B. Jackson [email protected]
Chair: Jim Nicholls [email protected]
Vice Chair: Robert Whitside [email protected]
Secretary: Robert Whitside
[email protected]
Treasurer: Wm. B. Jackson
[email protected]
Directors: Marilyn Haslinger
Ron Anderson
[email protected]
[email protected]

For more information, please email: John Cardiff

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This page last updated July 17, 2023
Copyright © 1996-1997 Norfolk Historical Society Ltd.