Welcome New Members!

We offer you a special opportunity to learn and appreciate the history of "Old Norfolk".

Established in 1900, the Norfolk Historical Society has collected over 300 years of the area's interesting history, including artifacts, paintings, furniture, books, documents and records. We are fortunate in being able to display this collection at a magnificent restored mansion - the Eva Brook Donly Museum in Simcoe.

We also offer outstanding facilities for family history research. The Society has extensive records of old Norfolk County family genealogies, marriages, cemeteries, newspapers, land records, censuses, church records, etc. In addition, we have one of Ontario's finest collections of books and microfilms for genealogy research beyond Norfolk - for Ontario, for Canada and for early America.

Benefits of membership in the Norfolk Historical Society include free admission to the Museum; regular newsletters; Society meetings and volunteer activities; Norfolk Genealogists meetings and Computer Genealogy (GenCIG) meetings; free admission to our archives research library; notices of local history publications; invitations to special events, parties and tours.

Annnual Memberships:

  Personal Memberships   Corporate Memberships


$60 +
$120 +
$250 +


Corporate Non-Profit
Corporate Sustaining
Corporate Benefactor
Corporate Patron

$60 +
$120 +
$250 +
$500 +


Charitable Donation Income Tax Receipts
issued for donations of $40 or more

    To join the Norfolk Historical Society, please send us:

    • Your Name, Address and Telephone Number
    • Your Membership Category (from above)
    • Your cheque for the corresponding fee,
      payable to: Norfolk Historical Society

Mail to:
Norfolk Historical Society
109 Norfolk Street South
Simcoe, Ontario, N3Y 2W3

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This page last updated October 4, 2023
Copyright © 1996 Norfolk Historical Society Ltd.