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Research Links - United Empire Loyalists

United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada


The United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada is an organization dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadians through knowledge of the past, in particular the history of the United Empire Loyalists and their contribution to the development of Canada. In addition to perhaps one person in ten in Canada who has a Loyalist ancestor, many who live elsewhere in the USA, in commonwealth countries like Australia and New Zealand and in any other country round the world may also be of Loyalist descent. The subjects on this site reflect the activities of many members and branches of the Association, as well as the Association itself.

Remembering Black Loyalists, Black Comminities in Nova Scotia


Between 1783 and 1785, more than 3000 Black persons came to Nova Scotia as a direct result of the American Revolution. They came from slavery and war to take control of their lives, making choices within the limits they faced. More than two centuries later, descendants of the Black Loyalists are calling to the spirits of their ancestors and discovering the stories of their struggles and triumphs. Visit this site and meet some of the courageous men and women who founded two Nova Scotian Black Loyalist communities, Birchtown and Tracadie in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

The Loyalist Collection - University of New Brunswick


The Loyalist Collection Inventory site was designed and composed by Kathryn Hilder, the author of the Database, Inventory Text, Finding Aids, and the Classification Schedules. A good initial research site.

The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies


On this site you will find a combination of information believed to be unique among sites dealing with the Loyalists of the American Revolution. While the material is for use by anyone interested in this aspect of the American Revolution, it is primarily intended for those with a working background in Loyalist studies.


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